Preserving those special moments in time...

Photo journaling people and events for generations to come...

Capturing forever emotions and expressions, relationships and adventures...

29 January 2011

Hang on I'll be back........

I'm going to delete my blog(s) and start up a new one.
My laptop died a ways back and I couldn't figure out how to get to my blog.....realized too late I'd used a different email address but titled it the same. So my posts go to one or the other but necessarily where I want them to go. I feel so out of control :)
I finally decided to delete both and start over so I can blog effectively.
It will be called "Cowgranny" - kind of covers it all:)
So look for me soon. I'll post the new blog to this one before I delete it and then I'll fix it all up nice and fun fer ya!

Ride 'em