Preserving those special moments in time...

Photo journaling people and events for generations to come...

Capturing forever emotions and expressions, relationships and adventures...

29 January 2011

Hang on I'll be back........

I'm going to delete my blog(s) and start up a new one.
My laptop died a ways back and I couldn't figure out how to get to my blog.....realized too late I'd used a different email address but titled it the same. So my posts go to one or the other but necessarily where I want them to go. I feel so out of control :)
I finally decided to delete both and start over so I can blog effectively.
It will be called "Cowgranny" - kind of covers it all:)
So look for me soon. I'll post the new blog to this one before I delete it and then I'll fix it all up nice and fun fer ya!

Ride 'em

01 December 2010

The hurrier I go the behinder I get........

.....but I wanted to stop by long enough to leave you a photo image I just made. Talk with ya later!

07 May 2010

Time Flies

Howdy All.......

We've been busy but I need to make time to keep my blog up to date.
We went to a Buck Brannaman Roping Clinic at Saddle Creek Ranch. It was awesome!!! Buck is a great clinician and a very nice guy. And I took a lot of shots of him and his horsemanship clinic in the mornings.
Then we went to The Californios put on by Gwynn Turnbull Weaver and Dave Weaver...and had a wonderful time in Reno, NV.....staying at the Silver Legacy which hosted The Californios. We enjoyed at the end of the day enjoying fine dining, great music, fun cowboy me and Kathy, and visiting with friends.
I took over 4,000 photos of the fabulous Californio cowboys. Keep checking back to my photography site for uploaded photos on a daily basis.

or just Google.......Ranch Life Photography by Victoria Boyd

Gotta go for editing to do, CD to make for GTW, horses to ride, and my stomach is growling.

08 April 2010

I worked on my website for 9 hours today. I'm sooo done! Can you get carpel tunnel sydrome in just one day? My wrists and fingers are very tired.

Sooooooo, the world can not only view my photography on the website BUT now you can order prints and other fun stuff if you want some of my 'work' hanging on your walls or embellishing your sweatshirts and t shirts, etc.

I love doing photography, love all the hours and the travels acquiring my photographs.......and hope you find something you really enjoy, too.

I will continue to add to my galleries weekly. Now I have my website to share with others and not just keep it all stored away at home here.

I have over 200,000 photos and MANY awesome shots I will share with I unearth them in my many, many folders on my computers.

Now the fun part of sharing my photography and fine art begins!

BTW......Please feel free to share my website and blog with your friends.


30 March 2010

Ranch Life Photography now AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC

Yee Haw!!!
Have fun on your visual journey with Ranch Life in the American West ... as seen thru the eyes of this cowgirl.....and her camera lens.

Enjoy and check back often... I will continually add to my galleries as I am NEVER without my camera :)

Hello Spring

What a fantastically wonderfully windy spring day. All bright sunshine, cold air, black storm clouds looming on the horizon, pollen abounding, sneezing abounding also, long awaited skiffs of dry ground blowing away and what's left about to become mud, kritters, hopping and bucking and jumping. Yup, I love spring!

29 March 2010

Batten down the hatches.....rains a comin'

Howdy and Good Day!
I've had a good day getting more work done with my Ranch Life Photography photos on my smugmug site. Check it out. You will see ranch life as seen thru the eyes of an 'ol cowgirl and her camera lens.
It's been beautiful around here for a week or so.........shirt and vest weather, NICE. But a big ol' week long storm is a coming our way.
I will surivive...I will ORDER groceries to be delivered, rent movies while it pours and thunders, order pizza delivery.....poor delivery drivers, eat too much and regret it next time I want to go riding in my favorite old Wranglers, and spend yet another 100 hours or more editing my zillions of photographs.
I'm thrilled to have my photography site up. Photos will be available for printing in a couple of days. Still working on last business details.

I will have LOTS more ranch photography by June. I can hardly wait to see it all myself :) I think I may have an obsession going on here. I like to call it a Passion tho.

Well, back to my photos.....just fed all my critters and tucked them away for the day. Let the storms begin!

19 March 2010


Well......I'm done struggling with computers for the day. Gonna go outside and breath in some warm, fresh, sunny air. You'll have to copy and past my photography website to your navigation bar for the time being. I haven't figured out how to put the link on my blog yet.
My smugmug site is under construction so check back next week for some fun and colorful ranch photography.

Have a great day!